Sunday 30 November 2008

Day Four - 29th November 2008

Uuugghh, I awake feeling like death. I do not need to be in this type of state to face my first real challenge of a weekend day without football. Normally, I would soak up the alcohol from the night before by watching ten hours of sky sports and eating lots of junk food. But this is no longer an option.

For my first organised activity I have agreed to go to a pantomime with my little sister. At just over 90 minutes long, it initially seemed like the perfect methadone-esque supplement to replace football in my life. But like methadone, it has its side effects. Screaming children makes my head pound even greater than it was before. Everybody keeps shouting, not even Johnathan Pearce shouts this much. After the show ends, I feel unfulfilled and worse than before.

Saturday evening is spent at a tapas bar, but unable to watch a La Liga game afterwards as I usually would, I instead have to find an alternative. I work my way through my brother's collection of Almodovar films.

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