Tuesday 23 December 2008

Days Twenty Six & Twenty Seven - 21st and 22nd December

With all this credit crunch palaver, Britons are arguably being more careful about how they spend their wages than they have been since the eighties. I would generally spend a significant proportion of my money on football. I go to maybe about ten games a season, but it is in other football related activities that most of my money is spent. Indeed, the average football fan spends between £20-30 a week on football. My outgoings are generally on: going to the pub to watch football, replica shirts, footy magazines and other types of memorabilia.
I have definetly saved money in undertaking this experiment. My time in the pub has rapidly decreased and I have managed to find several activities that are far more economical than football. For fun, I decided to list some of the ways that I could alternatively spend the money that I would on football.

Match Ticket - £27


The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies (Hardcover)
£26.25 from Amazon.co.uk
Learn about some of the world's most fascinating insects by browsing this illustrated textbook on superorganisms. Definetly more organismic than your average goal!

Pen Fishing Rod
£24.95 from Iwantoneofthose.com
Simply put its a pen and a fishing rod. Write your memoirs whilst catching your dinner!

The Albums (Abba Boxset)
£27.97 from Amazon.co.uk
Listen to all the favourites from Swedish legends Abba. Definetly more entertaining than watching Freddy Ljungberg playing in an MLS match.

Replica Shirt - £40


Lionel Ritchie Tickets
from £35, Amazon.co.uk
Instead of taking your girlfriend to Exeter vs Mansfield, take her to see Lionel Ritchie. She'll either fall in love with you, or leave you.

Sky Challenger Helicopters
£39.99 from Iwantoneofthose.com
Chalenge your mates to aerial warfare with these flying helicopters that battle through infra red technology.

Flights from Ryanair.com
from £20
Instead of spending your weekend on the freezing terraces, go and get some sunshine. Oh, and if you insist on watching F**tball, then why not catch a match while you're over there.

Pint of beer at a pub - £3


£4.99 from Iwantoneofthose.com
This gadget recreates the greatest feeling in the world - the experience of popping bubble wrap! Sure to give at least 90 minutes of entertainment.

Gladiator DVD
£2.99 from Play.com
One of the greatest films of all time. Aurelius Maximus is unlikely to limp off after ten minutes with a slight groin strain.

15 minute workouts for dummies
£2.99, Play.com
Get out of the pub and do some exercise. It may even improve your 5 a side skills!

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