Monday 22 December 2008

Days Twenty Two & Twenty Three - 17th and 18th December

This being the most wonderful time of the year and all, I decide that getting my Christmas shopping done early is a perfect way of spending time that I normally would watching football. But the ban presents a few problems. Normally I would buy at least a few presents that are football related for people. For example, football shirts are normally what I would buy my little cousins. But since I can't buy them then I have to come up with alternative ideas. This takes me an extremely long time, and I eventually opt for a book and pair of pyjamas. This is clearly proof that football affects all areas of my life. In the end, the xmas shopping experience isn't too painful and I'm glad to have got it out of the way earlier than normal. Nevertheless, I can't help but fear that this ban is making me less popular with my family and friends.

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